Idil Biret - Pianist Discography
Idil Biret

Idil Biret

82 media for this artist
12 Labels for this artist
26 composers for this artist
57 recording dates for this artist
405 works in repetoire for this artist

Idil Biret ( 1941 ) was born in Ankara, Turkey. She studied at the Paris Conservatory under Nadia Boulanger and also with renowned pianists Alfred Cortot and Wilhelm Kempff. She went on to record under several labels that range from EMI, Decca and Naxos. Her vast discography include works by Chopin, Beethoven, Liszt, and Brahms.

Idil Biret - Discography - Under Development

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Bartók, Béla
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Berg, Alban
Biret, Idil
Boucourechliev, André
Boulez, Pierre
Brahms, Johannes
Brouwer, Leo

Castiglioni, Niccolò
Chopin, Frédéric

Debussy, Claude

Franck, César

Kempff, Wilhelm

Liszt, Franz

Mahler, Gustav
Mimaroǧlu, İlhan Kemaleddin
Myaskovsky, Nikolai

Prokofiev, Sergei

Rachmaninov, Sergei
Ravel, Maurice

Saint-Saëns, Camille
Schumann, Robert
Scriabin, Alexander
Stravinsky, Igor

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich

Webern, Anton


Bilkent Concert Hall
Bilkent Music Production



Finnadar Records

Idil Biret Archive

Marco Polo
Mix Music A.S.




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