BBC/Portrait of a Legend - Pianist Discography

Portrait of a Legend

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BBC Portrait of a Legend : Richter - Chopin, Liszt
CD : BBC Portrait of a Legend : Richter - Chopin, LisztBBC Portrait of a Legend : Richter - Chopin, Liszt

Artist : Sviatoslav Richter

Series : BBC

Product Id : 2007/BBC 5004-2

Number of Discs : 4

BBC Portrait of a Legend : Michelangeli - Chopin, Grieg, Beethoven
CD : BBC Portrait of a Legend : Michelangeli - Chopin, Grieg, BeethovenBBC Portrait of a Legend : Michelangeli - Chopin, Grieg, Beethoven

Artist : Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli

Series : BBC

Product Id : 2007/BBCL 5002-2

Number of Discs : 3