Marc-André Hamelin - Pianist Discography
Marc-André Hamelin

Marc-André Hamelin

15 media for this artist
2 Labels for this artist
17 composers for this artist
24 recording dates for this artist
164 works in repetoire for this artist

Marc-André Hamelin ( 1961 ) was born in Montreal, Canada. He studied at Vincent-d'Indy and Temple University. He records frequently for the Hyperion label. He specializes in under performed composer that require supreme technical skill to perform. Among these composer include Godowsky, Alkan, Sorabji, Liszt and Kasputin. He is also a composer and some of his compositions include a set of Etudes on Minor Keys and a Nocturne, and Themes and Variations all of which he also recorded himself.

Marc-André Hamelin - Discography - Under Development

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